Track and project the value of all your investments with Investment Projector.
Investment Projector shows the current and long-term value of your investments so you can always see how they are currently performing and what the value will be in the future. Track stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, anything you like. Consider the impact of inflation, vary expected return, incremental investment, and your investment timeframe to see how your investments will appreciate.
Investment Projector automatically updates the current value of the stocks and mutual funds you enter so you can see up-to-date current values and projected returns based on those values. Investment Projector can even serve as an independent investment value validator to check your account statements against.
Getting started is easy. Begin with just a few investments by entering part of the name or the symbol: "faceb" or "fb" for Facebook, "bac" or "bank amer" for Bank of America Corporation, for example. Add categories to group investments and see performance and projections for the group. For example, you may want to add Apple and Microsoft to your Facebook investment and see how they track and project as your own personal tech group. Enter all your investments to see your current net worth and see how it will look in 10 years.
Investment Projector highlights include:
- automatic account value update
- daily performance information
- simple ticker symbol look-up
- target date adjustment
- ability to adjust inflation rates
- option to disable inflation impact
- value based on optional dividend reinvestment
- ability to schedule incremental investments
- automated projection updates
- device-based account storage
- performance of major indices